I read this spine-chilling book on ghosts and I'll tell you about the White House and it's hauntings.First of,I was shivering because of the way the author had written it really made things 3-dimensional.Dolley Madison,James Madison's wife loved the rosebushes in the garden and one time some gardeners started to cut it and they heard ear-shattering screams and they ran away.That almost made my eyeball pop out.Then I learnt about Abraham Lincoln.The Netherlands queen had come to stay in the White House.When she opened a door,she saw him and fainted at the spot.God!That was enough for me to strain a blood vessel.Then I found out a bone-chilling fact that John Adam's wife,Abigail Adams is still seen carrying a wet basket of clothes.There must have been something special in there that lacks in other laundry rooms.If I would have seen these,I would swear never even to think about the White House.These are too much to take for me.
No way..that must be a hoax.Ghosts don't exist!!